Pimple or acne is basically stopple is due to the pore-pore by dead skin cells that obstruct the flow of oil, so going unnormally skin. Pustule usually will leave the former form fleck pocked black or injury if the pimple inflammation or infection. Fleck former black blotch that the infection will not disappear by itself. But it will be even better if assisted with the dismiss skin cells die so that the stain can be picked up. But, what about the scar like pocks? For this, need to care and treatment in a more extra.
Pock in the face of the very appearance. Especially for women who always want a skin look beautiful and perfect. Pocks can evoke a sense does not believe in themselves. The occurrence of defects (damage) in the collagen network in the dermis layer of skin is pocked. There are different types of pocks. According to Dr. Annang Bayuwono, a consultant in the medical Natasha Skin Care, Indonesia, pocked is based on how deep. And to address them, there are several different treatments.
Microdermabrasi :t
If you have problems or fleck black pocked not too deep, microdermabrasi is an effective way to overcome the issue with you. Microdermabrasi is a technique facial skin care for scar with a skin abrasion or removing using microcrystal aluminum trioxide or Al(OH)3.
Heavy equipments scrub on the skin that is causing the problems with the intent to burn the dead skin cells. When pocked established, indention in the skin there is a network called network fibrosis. This network will remove in the process microdermabrasi. If the network exfoliates, is expected to stimulate new skin cell growth. The intensity and patience to make a determination of treatments success of this treatments.
Treatment should be done every once this will be very effective if you have consistency. Depending on the type of fleck and pocked. But usually fleck and pocked light will be overcome in 3 or 4 times treatment. Skin reaction of each person is also very much determine the success of treatment level. Frequency of treatments for sensitive skin of course more and more intense.
Micro needle Therapy System (MTS) :s
To overcome the seam in a quite, the most effective way is with do micro needle treatment therapy system or MTS. This treatment is a treatment system or scar pocked by using a roller tool forming the needle there is a surface micro-needle. The treatment is done by running the tool on the roller surface of the skin that have pockmarked. Needle on surface of the tool will cause a little bleeding on the skin.
Reaction redness that arise when treatment is completed reactions which arise due to new injured by needles. That this injury will stimulate the growth of a new network to replace a network that has been damaged, so pocked skin will disappear and the face will be flat again. Reaction will disappear within a day or two day with the help of AB salep cream which is a specific injury.
Erbium-Yag laser :f
For this type of pocky in a very, treatment with the Erbium-Yag Laser is the most effective way. Expensive treatment of this result will be maximum. A package treatment technique with Erbium-Yag Laser consists of three treatments that the patient also must be done within one month once.
Pockmarked face removed with a laser rays penetrate to the dermis layer of skin without harm the other network. This is the excess of the laser technology. Who are sick are the cells that cause the pocked dermis layer to stimulate collagen production, so that new skin cells and can form the surface of the skin can return as they are. Wavelength used is 2940 nanometer.
Tips To have pimple Not Former
- If you have a pimple problem that excited, do care and treatment from the outside and in the body. From outside you can use a cream or something for a pimple to remove the dead skin cells that prevent pore-pore. Meanwhile, from within, please take antibiotics to kill bacteria causes’ pimple. :d
- Do not touch with hands that are not hygienic. Bacteria and dirt that is on your fingers can cause more severe infection of the pimple. :(
- Do not click your pimple! For this type of pimple that has been cooked and pussy, you should not do anything, which does not cause a scar and pocked. :#
- Avoid oily and spicy food that does not blotch too excited.
see also: Great Strawberry :y
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