Greek people as a group strawberry tree as medicines is very rich in vitamin C, source folat, and potassium. One oz strawberry contains more vitamin C than an ounce orange citric. Like the other family berry, strawberry also contains phytochemicals that function as powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants will bind free radicals, thus preventing the occurrence of the disease and delay the elderly process. In addition, the strawberry also contains elegiac acid as antioxidants. In some studies, elegiac acid can inhibit the growth of established tumor in the lung, esophagus, breast, cervix and tongue.
While research in the United States proves, strawberry can reduce the risk of cancer and diseases caused smoke cigarettes. As a traditional medicine, strawberry believed to contain anti-bacterial substances used as solvents, dab digestive system.
With 8 strawberry consume each day, needs vitamin C and fiber to adult are supplied. Strawberry womb has as much vitamin C 56.7 mg per 100 grams. With vitamin C contents of the strawberry is believed capable of reducing the risk of cancer disease to 37%. In addition, the strawberry is also believed to be able to prevent breast cancer and uterus neck.
Strawberry also has the effect of therapy is very good for prevention leukemia disease, anemia aplastic (less aplastic of blood) and blood diseases. Two substances that are in it, the "strawberry amine" and "acid tanat", have an effect and curb the growth of a malignant tumor.
Strawberry also has a high medical value, have the effect of tuberculosis and dampen down the body, strengthen the spleen and stomach, throw water urine, fever and ease the heat, suitable to stimulate appetite, ease cough and many more benefits that can be taken.
8 or 1 cup strawberry strawberry snippet only contains 50 calories and contain no cholesterol or saturated fatty acid. No wonder if a strawberry to be little bit or even a healthy food supplement.
The same amount of 30 microgram gives (ug) folat acid. This is equivalent to 7.5% acid folat daily requirement for pregnant women, ie, 400 ug. Acid folat useful to prevent the nerve tube defects in the fetus.
Because strawberry provide 94 milligram vitamin C, this fruit is effective to keep teeth and gum children to stay healthy. In addition, the uterus abundant vitamin C can help wound healing and increase body resistance against infection.
In addition to vitamin-rich, strawberry is also rich in nutrition that contains the amino acid, monosakarida, citric acid, pectine, calsium, magnesium, phosphor, minerals and so forth. Nutrient elements that are in strawberry have a very good effect in encouraging the growth of children.
According to Dr. Simbolon Irma Bernadette, MD ... Head of division Dermatology Cosmetic Cempaka, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, if a review of medical glasses, strawberry has a lot of benefits that are useful for people.
Strawberry also can decrease measure cholesterol, helping stifle work on cancer, because of ellagic acid in it. Strawberry also afford muffled stroke symptoms, contain substances anti allergic and anti inflammation. "In addition to many benefits for healing various diseases, the fruit also has a large contribution to the world beauty. 7 oxygen concentrations of antioxidants in the strawberry higher if compared with other fruit or vegetable. So, strawberry fruit is an effective process to prevent oxidation in the body due to free radicals. In addition, the strawberry is very effective to slow the elder process," she explained.
Gynecology vitamins B1, B2, C and pro vitamin A in strawberry can create and refine the skin color of the skin becomes more bright and clean, and can prevent the occurrence of wrinkles on the skin.
According to the knowledge developed in traditional societies, this fruit can be used as a tooth whitener. How do? Destroyed some strawberry fruits, and then paste in the teeth for one or two minutes. Then scrub with a brush teeth thoroughly. In some weeks the results will be visible.
Although strawberry contain many vitamins and nutrients are high, not necessarily can we consume excessive. Strawberry consume excessive disruption can cause stomach and bowel function, especially for people who kidneys function less well and have a stone in the ureter. You need to know, this heart shaped fruit containing many acid oksalat. Consume it excessive can aggravate the disease sufferer.
So, what do you think about strawberry? :d
See you :z
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